There is a new president in Finland – Boris the Råt! Help Boris with his important duty – welcoming the honoured guests in the Presidential Ball.
There are lots of different guests from different cultures. Boris doesn´t always know each and everyone´s habits. Once a new guest has arrived and waits to be greeted a helping hand appears in the picture. You will find the right way to greet the guest by following the helping hand´s movement with your finger.
The First Lady is Anneli the Baltic Herring. If her rat friend makes a mistake in the hand shaking she is deeply embarrassed. However, when she is distracted it´s not so vital how closely Boris follows the rules. Unfortunately,when there´s a big party there is also a number of uninvited guests who want to enter. They need to be removed discretely. If the president can´t do his job he himself might end up in prison, to cool off!
When a good amount of guests have arrived it´s time to dance!